The Inexperienced Celebrity Politician Trend
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: The Inexperienced Celebrity Politician Trend

Remember many years back when a TV celebrity businessman who allegedly grabbed a few women and made some lewd comments became governor of California? This seems to be the new trend. If someone with no experience with legislation or governing can become governor or even president if he has star power, are we going to see a lot more of this?I suppose we could look at Reagan as an earlier example, btw, though at least he was governor before being president. It's amazing he became governor. That's scary, since so many stars are left-wing. Maybe the Republicans could start grooming people. I think Tim Allen could have an appeal, with Tool Time and Santa movies. The ultra-right-wing character might turn people off. I hear he's conservative. He has had some criminal stuff in his past and a failed marriage. He could campaign on reforming the courts to handle drug offenses better, like his candidate Kasich did.Stephen Baldwin sure seems to have gotten more conservative after he got saved, but he's probably a bit abrasive for politics. But abrasiveness didn't stop Trump.Who else would be a good conservative candidate? Maybe Tebow could become mayor somewhere. He could Tebow after making a great point in a political debate

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Nature Boy Florida:

Tebow will be a politician one day - he could have been elected to the House of Reps this time - as a very Republican district came open (and was won easily by the guy who ran in Tebow's place - a former sheriff)Kirk Cameron might have a chance, as well.Dems may indeed run a star next that the Clintons are finished

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