They're demonstrating in democratic party strongholds. Let them. As a matter of fact I think the police should stand back (if not stand down) and allow the true spirit of these demonstrators to be revealed. Cities who embrace the liberalism of the democratic party should not now restrict the actions of their citizens. After all the citizens are the city.Perhaps this will be a great lesson to business/companies/corporations as to where they do business and where they have their headquarters. I would like to see a disbursement of corporate offices into the many states who have suffered at the hands of the democrats. Likewise, I feel there are too many government jobs based in Washington D.C., Northern Virginia and Maryland. I hope the new congress and president will relocate many of those jobs throughout the nation. After all, those jobs give the Capital disproportionate influence in the nation. With modern communication technology, being in DC is not necessary to do the work of the government. These demonstrations are reinforcing the wisdom of the Electoral College. We can not have NY and CA as the only two power centers in the nation. If you have ever watched the Hunger Games movies (though fiction) you can get an idea of what happens when all power is bases in the capital which is populated by an elite political class who live a lavish life by impoverishing everybody else in the country. Or, you can look at the North Koran today or Russia (or the former USSR). In Pyongyang the political elite live in a fantasy land while the people in the countryside starve and eat grass. In Russia there's the billionaire oligarchs of Moscow and the suffering millions in the rest of the country.No, don't stop the demonstrations in the liberal cities, let them run their course and reveal the truth. As someone for the 1960s protest culture said, Burn, baby, burn! Now that the 1960s protesters are the 2016 elites, I say, let them reap what they sowed.Mat