I memorized James in the KJV when I was in A/G Bible Quiz in the late 1980s.At the time, the KJV as I remember it of James 1:5started off, If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God....Now, Biblegateway, BibleHub, and a half dozen other sites I check say the KJV is 'If any of you lack wisdom....So I did some digging in Google scholar and Google books. I found an William Jenks comprehensive commentary on the authorized version that quotes it the way I remember it.If any man lack wisdom...Wesley quoted the verse that way. Spurgeon quoted it that way. An old Jubilee Bible Society document quoted it that way. I found a Jonathan Edwards text, with nice neat modern font, but a pdf, that had both quotes. I'm not usually into conspiracy theories, though I've considered a few (some kind of conspiracy with Kennedy, not sure what, maybe the moon landing.) I am wondering if there is some company that feeds the texts of scripture to online sources and book publishers that got it wrong. But what if some ofthese online sources did decide to mess up the Bible. Do we really thinkmost of these online companies are led by people who love God?Maybe this is just my memory. But if we have an eschatology that predicts that in the future, no one will be able to buy or sell without takingthe mark of the beast, do we expect that the powers in charge will have accurate versions of the Bible online?It would make sense to make sure we keep some paper copies of the Bible around in the future. We may not always have the Internet anyway.The next post contains some links of the 'If any man lacks wisdom' version of the verse that I recalled from memorizing the verse many years ago