First, there are no f-bombs or taking God's name in vain. There is still some rough language, but I read that Gibson edited out these things (or didn't film them in the first place) in honor of Desmond Doss' religious convictions.This film is AWESOME! I have long been a Desmond Doss fan, and I believe that Gibson largely nailed it (even if some of the southern accents didn't quite make the cut). The blood and gore, however, are every bit as over the top as Saving Private Ryan. By that I mean that the viewer is not spared the absolute horror of battle. When you see someone dragging a person with ease...and then find out that's because legs are missing...and it is presented in all it's horror, it makes you appreciate more what good boys when through to fight WW2.Doss' faith is not toned down. It is right there for all to see. He has his Bible. He doesn't work on the Sabbath (Saturday--as he is a 7th Day Adventist). And he doesn't carry or use a weapon, due to his believe in Thou Shalt Not Kill, and some other backstory that we learn of.It's a touching film. When it was over, an almost elderly lady told me that she had lived in Okinawa, etc., due to her step-father being in the military. She had been moved by the movie also. |