I translated for an Africa preacher several weeks back. I had to understand his English, which wasn't too hard most of the time. We were talking at the dinner table one night, and in Africa, they have a lot of the same kind of witchcraft they have in Indonesia. For example, witchdoctors are said to put magic rocks into people's skin that serve as amulets to give them certain types of power. Supposedly, witchdoctors in Indonesia might take a tiny rock, put it on someone's tooth, and it just sinks into the tooth and stays in there. The rock might make him attractive, they say, to the opposite sex, or something like that.There was one story about a man who fell into a polluted ditch full of chemicals and he was in agony. They say he couldn't die until the witchdoctor came and removed the magic rock from him.He said that wichdoctors have these little sharp needle things they blow at people to attack them. I heard the same story in Indonesia, that a certain preacher challenged witchdoctors from around the country to meet at the big stadium, Histora Senayan. They didn't know what he looked like, and another preacher went on the stage to make an announcement. They blew these tiny needles at him, thinking he was the other guy, and they all fell on him and he fell to the ground. The preacher who'd challenged the witchdoctors, the story goes, prayed for him and he was healed, then stood up there and was not harmed by witchcraft and preached the gospel.I did not see these events. I did see a video of a demonized man in what looked like a Pentecostal service. The music was going and the guy was up in the front area. People were rebuking what was in him in mass. At the end of the video, they showed all the little pieces of things that had fallen out of him, even nails, presumably that witchdoctors had put in his body that came out during the exorcism. My wife witnessed something interesting. She had this prayer group of really loud Charimatic types. There was a wealthy woman who kept inviting my wife to her house to minister at gatherings of her friend. She felt like the house was haunted. She kept seeing something. Her husband was wealthy, and they owned a beautiful stone pool full of expensive koi fish.My wife and her friends went there and prayed. One of the men there did deliverance ministry and had a home for the mentally ill and demonized. He told the woman that there was some sort of amulet/charm buried at a certain spot. He pointed into the pool, under the water, and told her she needed to dig up whatever it was.She was incensed at how loud these men were with their praying, and was also really upset that the man wanted her to dig up the pool. But she admitted that the'd put some kind of amulet/charm right at that spot. I heard this second hand, but it sounded like she may have expressed some of her anger over this issue.What surprised me is how she'd have the nerve to be upset with those people when one of them pointed out right where she and her husband had buried the charm. She didn't want to dig up the pretty expensive fish pool or take care of those fish worth thousands while the thing she put in there was dug up |