In addition to serving as a hospital Chaplain, I also serve as an advisor for one of the top companies in Atlanta. They have offices in Lawrenceville, Marietta, Athens and Stockbridge, GA.Their Charter of service is for 36 counties from Thomaston and North with coverage reaching most of Georgia's North East Counties. I know the leaders personally - know the kind of people they are, and of their dedication to providing comfort and compassionate help.Most are dedicated Christians; Born Again, Bible-believing.With the government paying for the services, Hospice provides medicine, nurses, CNA's, Social Workers who carefully document and report to the state agencies the extent of care being received. Hospice provides staff to bathe patients and change their bed sheets. Making a bed and changing sheets with someone in it is not an easy task. Most family caregivers very much appreciate the help.If your family is considering Hospice care for a Loved One, I'm more than glad to provide Hospice information; what it is, what it does, and how it will benefit your Loved One.**This is not a sales pitch. I do not receive any remuneration for providing this information or being of information service to you or your
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