Who me? Well, let's see. I remember seeing a clip of him prophesying that a plane would crash, kind of vague as I recall, or my memory of it is vague. Then there is this clip about him prophesying about Hillary Clinton winning. I don't see how the popular vote explanation fits the description.So, I'm sorry to say I can't vouch for TB Joshua.I've seen several healing clips, or at least the thumbnails, from his ministry's YouTube channel. Some of them are pretty cool, like the woman, probably South African saying, I can see. I first heard of him when I was in Jakarta about 10 years ago. A Singaporean preacher I know, of Indian descent, was a bit suspicious of him and his crusade that was coming up in Singapore. But I remembered him commenting on how when he was doing healing ministry, some people would be suspicious of him for being (ethnic) Indian, as if he were doing some kind of Indian magic. I wonder if the same thing was at work with TB Joshua.I'd heard he'd said some weird sounding stuff about casting out snake spirits or something along those lines. I translated for an African preacher once, and he said something about a guy he was praying for having a 'spirit wife.' If I hear something like that, I just don't translate it. He seemed to have normal Pentecostal/Charismatic theology (this other guy, not TB Joshua), but had some concept that seemed weird to me, and I talked about it afterward. I realize people from different places can have weird ideas, and some of my American ideas might seem a bit weird to people. I grew up watching Scooby Doo, and I may have an anti-supernatural bias about some things. I read about TB Joshua saying he had a 'remote control' where he'd move his hand around and an allegedly demonized person would follow the movements. Anyway, if I ever saw one of TB Joshua's clips, I'd always wonder about the guy. I haven't seen him preach the gospel or teach the Bible. But maybe they don't show that stuff, and I don't watch all the clips. There is something that feels tedious about watching him. But it could be the thick African accent that was bothering me. But the 'master prophet' stuff really bothers me. It seemed way over the top in exalting the preacher.I've read about a problem in Africa where some people have this mentality of going to the holy man who solves their problems. Back when they were pagans, they may have gone to the shaman. Now they can go to church and the preacher will have some solution. That sort of thing. One cessationist preacher said instead of the pastor counseling a couple with marital problems from the Bible, the preacher will just lay hands on them. That kind of stuff annoys me about Pentecostals in the US an Indonesia, too, sometimes. I guess I am okay with someone just praying for someone with a marital problem. That's okay. But we need to live and walk in the knowledge of the word of God, and that needs to have a prominent place in ministry, too. So that's basically been how I have thought about the man, before this video. I don't watch a lot of his videos. I generally avoid them when clips come up on the occasions I am watching something else. Someone posted about his prediction on Facebook, so I thought I'd look it up |