I took the GRE maybe 10 years ago, along with the GMAT. They two tests were similar.I'd recommend getting one of those GRE study books. I think Barron's had a good book. Maybe that was for SAT. Get one of those and take the sample tests. There may even be a GRE sample test online you could take. Get a feel for the questions.As far as math goes, historians don't do any stats on data do they? Ask at a university and see if they just disregard the math. Ace the English part and the writing, though. The writing section asks a question. Learn to write a great two or three-point essay. I think it was GRE, maybe GMAT, but I was asked to answer a question of whether I agreed with something along the lines of 'the end justifies the means.'Of course, I used Adolph Hilter as an example and disagreed with the idea.I think I ran out of time and made a two point essay and went back and removed the third point from the intro. Think of three points for whatever you want to argue, mention them in the first paragraph. Write a paragraph or two about each point, and summarize the three points in the end. Handle usage, grammar, etc. and make logical points and you can do well. I got the highest score, five or six or whatever, on writing on both the GMAT and GRE. I was middle of the road on math on both, and really high on verbal