I've noticed a certain model for funding Christian TV shows. It is a direct response television advertisement-funded show.I first remember seeing Jack Van Impe do this. He would quote scriptures and read the newspaper and make an end-time scenario argument. The show was chopped up with mini-commercials from an announcer trying to sell some product.Sid Roth does this on his show. I've noticed Sean Bolz on that show that used to be hosted by John Paul Jackson, dreams and mysteries or whatever it is, had a DRTV ad in the middle of it.Personally, I'd rather just see these shows in the midst of ads for dish soap and insurance. The DRTV ads remind me of the verse on peddling the word. I'm not judging or condemning, but it rubs me the wrong way.And I'd definitely rather see ads for dish detergent than a week of beg-a-thon and guys with that artificial preacher tone of voice, big hair, and 1970's clothes telling people they can get a special supernatural financial blessing if they call in at a certain moment |