Disclaimer: The I think is for folks like my wife who is a stickler for Accuracy...I have picked 8 Losers and 8 Winners. I voted for Carter once and against Carter once, to even that out!I have been alive to remember the 32nd President FDR and now Trump the 45th.Most have half-way kept their word. Some have fulfilled SOME promises, BUT they all have promised more than they could ever accomplish. Funny thing we citizens still want to believe they mean it. Trump was not my man. But when it looked like he was the one, I did get behind him. I still hope he is really a good president. We NEED some fiscal restraints. Will he? If so it will be tough.For right now, Imma saying GO TRUMP! I am praying for him and I do wish him and the USA the best. We are a good country, some very good folk live here. Some facts but mostly just my
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