Sorry, I have not been here in a few days.Sunday about 3:00pm we had the worst wind I have ever seen and I have been around a while.A pecan or pecon tree blew over between us and the neighbor, it was just over my property line. We had many shingles blown off.My son lives in Adel Ga. Adel was hit the worst. A large mobile home park just out of town was destroyed early Sunday morning, 7 killed and many homes destroyed. Sunday afternoon another tornado came through the East Albany and Sylvester area, at least one killed and much destruction.Three destructive storms came through this part of the country in 12 hours. A total of 20 killed and many injured. (NB 1 or 2 were killed in Fla). Several churches in the area called off services Sunday.A Church of God in Albany was hit but not destroyed. 2 killed in Brooks Cty. (Quitman Ga.), near Valdosta Ga. Adel is about 25 miles from us, Albany is about 35 miles from us, Sylvester is about 25 miles away.We were in the middle of all this, but thank God not to much damage in our County Recorded Sermons @ |