I apologize to Lee University Faculty |
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Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | aprilmay2.0: I apologize to Lee University Faculty |
I have mischaracterized some of the Lee faculty by saying they may be pro choice. Just because some associate with more liberal political views and participated in the women's march this week, doesn't necessarily mean they are pro choice. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Nature Boy Florida: |
That's better.Let me say this - I remember in the 70s and 80s where many of us agreed that we wanted to end poverty and disease.The only debate was whether it was best to have a govt solution or non-govt solution. Conservatives and Liberals debated which was better.Reagan famously said the worst words any of us could hear were: I am from the govt and I am here to help...because their solution never worked and always cost much more than advertised. That's still true today.Look at the money spent on the great society and we now have the same # of folks under the poverty line - but 20 trillion in debt.Or GWB - govt. nation building - trillions in wars and nothing to show for it.However, 1984 was the last year that the democrats had pro-life candidates run for President. Reuben Askew - Florida's beloved Democrat governor ran that year - and was trashed for his pro-life stance. They don't bother anymore. Democrat's anti-scientific stance regarding the pre-born - insisting that it is only tissue in a woman's body - and not a human being deserving of the right to life - including up until a full term 9 month delivery - long after they would be viable outside the womb - is just a show stopper for most Christians - but not all. They say they are concerned with how folks are treated after they are born - but is that really a valid argument for killing another human being?So - hopefully those Lee faculty that are pro-democrat - routinely chastise their brothers and sisters for having the head in the sand, check your brain at the door mentality regarding pre-born humans.While I don't see that in their posts - I have not seen them actively march in right to life marches either. But then again - most Republicans don't do much about it either.At least Trump is a man of his word regarding it. Who would have thought that the vulgar, thrice married, money loving billionaire would actually do what all the conservative - pro family - Christian on the sleeve Republicans couldn't. But - so far - 1 week in - he has made more progress than the last 40 years combined. Hopefully his Supreme Court pick will continue it |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | bonnie knox: |
Nature Boy, you were doing well until your last paragraph. The fact of the matter is, there have been things done, mostly at state levels to limit abortions or limit tax funding of them. So far, what Trump has done is to sign the Mexico City bill, which is not anything any other Republican wouldn't have done.From a news article:It was signed into law by former President Ronald Reagan and went into effect in 1985.The policy stayed in effect until 1993, when it was rescinded by former President Bill Clinton. Since then, it has been reinstated by every Republican president and rescinded by every Democratic president within their first few days in office. Obama rescinded it exactly eight years ago, on Jan. 23, 2009. |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Nature Boy Florida: |
Sorry guys - I stand by my comments.GWB had every chance to do more about abortion - he had 8 years. Trump has had a week. His action indicates he isn't waiting around - he is doing everything he can - and should follow it up with more.Obama kept me safe for 8 years too Old Timer - and got Bin Laden.Nothing to show in Iraq with nation building.Nothing...except we ruined a top nemesis of Iran. Should have played those 2 off of each other until everyone was killed in those countries.No more problem |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Cojak: |
You cannot get enough thumbs up on that. I agree with the bold strongly. Yeah, I am not naive', I know a woman who is not ready should not get pregnant, BUT THEY DO!You made your bed now lie in it IS NOT THE ANSWER. Yelling murderer at a distressed ignorant teen is not the answer. WE NEED SUPER SUPPORT for these, and that is FROM THE CHURCH WORLD MOSTLY. I hope and pray that especially every Mega Church and MEGA TV ministry would get involved. If your family has not been touched by the unwanted pregnancy, you are blessed, or haven't lived long enough yet! Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Ventureforth: |
You cannot get enough thumbs up on that. I agree with the bold strongly. Yeah, I am not naive', I know a woman who is not ready should not get pregnant, BUT THEY DO!You made your bed now lie in it IS NOT THE ANSWER. Yelling murderer at a distressed ignorant teen is not the answer. WE NEED SUPER SUPPORT for these, and that is FROM THE CHURCH WORLD MOSTLY. I hope and pray that especially every Mega Church and MEGA TV ministry would get involved. If your family has not been touched by the unwanted pregnancy, you are blessed, or haven't lived long enough yet! Thank you, brother! You're so right! The unfortunate reality is that there are unplanned pregnancies. If such a woman is not Christian, that woman might be lead to Christ by our attitude and service and another life will be saved in the process.Then another claim by the pro choice people will be refuted. Lord, help the church be a light to this nation! Matthew 5:16 |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | Nature Boy Florida: |
Most women's support system around her - either intentionally or unintentionally by the worrying and fretting they do over it - encourage the women to have an abortion. They might say Don't have an abortion but all the worry over it indicates life would be easier without a baby. Why? Because it is most convenient for THEM. No more worries about what people will think, the finances of raising a baby as a single mother, the child support pmts for the Dad, prospects for future wage earnings of the mother...etc... Like our last President said - He doesn't want his children PUNISHED with a baby they didn't intend to happen.If an abortion takes place - no one has to worry about any of that - EXCEPT the woman who knows in her heart she KILLED the human inside of her. Most women say that thought never leaves them.If there are 50+ million babies aborted - there are at least 35+ million ladies walking around in the U.S. - with a secret that probably never leaves them.Talk about a tragedy of epic proportions |
Author: | acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ] |
Post subject: | UncleJD: |
Good point, NBF... |
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