BB recommended Passion for a stop over visit since we are near.They have a good location, great view from a major city road. I think a sign on that side would be good. But there maybe more restrictions than I know of.BUT it was my first time to attend a church and be the oldest person in the congregation. The best I could see in the nicely laid out church was about 6 folk over 50 years of age. My guess it is the youngest church I have ever attended. Cross cultural with the average age of 28, is my guess. WOW A wonderful crowd, friendly, energetic (of course) and on fire.The music was loud of course, but NOT DEAFENING, I mean I did not turn down my implant devices. Meaning it was Okay even for old folk.The associate pastor preached this AM. Bro. Joseph actually did a Solid job, actually using the scripture covering a subject here on Acts, Eph 5th. One of the best sermons I have ever heard on the subject. Really, I was amazed because I could understand about 95% of his words and I think 100% of his heart. He was a young fellow of color, and his delivery was not the old time shout and run, but a solid factual message. My wife also was touched and impressed. If we were in this area, and the pastor was as good as his assistant, we would attend here.The church seems to be fairly new, and it thrills this old man to see that many young folk basking in His presence.YES, IT WAS A GOOD DAY!Thanks Brandon for the heads up! We did not stay around to speak to pastor Mike, once we become regular attendants (two times in two years, we will take up his time)Also BB, you heard right, he and his wife are doing a fantastic job in Lynchburg. A very nice facility and the sanctuary was about 3/4 capacity it appeared Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/ |