Evangelicals redefined 'religion' as a bad word in recent decades. I started hearing this 30 years ago. I did not join in the redefinition.IMO, it leads to bad ideas-- e.g. the idea having devotional practices like scheduled, regular prayer is wrong.It also creates difficulty communicating with unbelievers who do not define religion as 'man trying to please God in his own strength' or something along those lines. If we say Christian is not a religion, and they look at us confused. Then time is wasted with redefinition of religion, time that could be used actually preaching the gospel.There are preachers who do not mention the cross or the resurrection, but talk against religion and for relationship, then give an altar call. Religion and relationship talk has replaced the gospel in some circles. I don't see talk against religion and in favor of relationship in any of the apostles sermons. I do see the Lordship and Messiahship of Jesus, Christ's death on the cross, and the resurrection of the dead. Romans 10:9-10talks about Lordship and the resurrection, not relationship versus religion. Paul summarizes the Gospel in the opening verses of I Corinthians 15. I see Christ dying for our sins and rising from the dead the third day. I don't see anything about it being a relationship and not a religion. I don't see Paul, Peter, Philip, etc. telling crowds to repeat a prayer after them, either. I do see accounts of them telling people to be baptized or baptizing them. Do our evangelistic practices line up with scripture? Could it be that some people show up for one service, repeat a prayer, and go back out in the world because they never got saved and never even heard the Gospel