When I was 11 years old, my Grandfather Dad was appointed as a State Overseer out West for the Church of God of Prophecy. In a year, he collapsed and died from diabetes. My Dad was appointed to take his place. So, our family moved from Tennessee to Boulder City, NV (19 miles from Vegas) for four years.I spent two years of Junior High and two years of High School at Boulder City High. I have some wonderful memories from those years including some great times of worship. I received the call to preach while there.However, though there are some churches sprinkled around, it is not like most other areas of the nation. Not a lot of Evangelicals there - some but not a lot. Big group there are the Mormons. When I lived in Boulder City, the largest congregations were Mormon. Indeed, the Mormons are very active politically and mostly conservative. Romney was their guy and he lost so I don't know how that will come downin Nevada.