In my opinion, Rubio is the sharpest knife in the drawer; smart, probably brilliant, young, handsome, nice family AND he's a conservative who is open and upfront about his Christian faith. So, why could I not vote for him?Does anyone believe that a nice, young Hispanic man will solve the flood of illegal immigrants? He gives lip service to that but his record in Congress is just the opposite.Americans do not dislike Hispanics. In fact, most of us like them and respect their strong work ethic. But, should we be rewarding illegals with benefits and welfare? AND it is not only Hispanics. Millions are flowing in here from China and India and other nations.UNLESS we get a handle on immigration, wages will remain low for the next 50 years and unemployment will remain high. Both the Republicans and Democrats are at fault. The Dems want to grant the illegals citizenship so they can vote for the Dems, and rich Repubs want cheap labor. In my opinion, Rubio is now the ESTABLISHMENT candidate.If he is elected, THE SAME people in charge now, will be in charge then. Nothing will change. That's my opinion. I welcome you to share yours.Doyl