When I posted the last mill it was Degree Mill of the Month. It was suggested that this be done weekly, i.e., Degree Mill of the Week. So, we shall see how it develops. Not to worry about runnin out, hey, they is hundreds a these things around our neat little planet. And with the advent a the Internet, they easier to access than ever.This week's winner:www.christianbiblecollege.orgin Rocky Mount, NC.1. The faculty, what few there are, is inbred. This place has for years basically been a one-man-show. Johnson recently retired, and CBC is now operated by another “president.” 2. The miniscule faculty hold unaccredited degrees. 3. CBC is a pretty smooth operator in that it created its own accrediting agency. Christian Bible College is accredited by the American Accrediting Association of Theological Institutions Inc. (AAATI).4. Course requirements are far beneath given norms for formal academic training. Associates-PhDs offered. The PhD is $2600.5. Sadly, there are some COG pastors who obtained a credential, even a purported docterate, from this mill of the week.