I loved the powerful story about what God is doing in Brazil and Ecuador. I'm thrilled that in that supposedly Catholic country, so many are receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. I thought the story was so powerful that I placed it at the top of the page.However, the contention that the AG has 35 million adherents in those countries, is one-ups-man-ship of the highest order. Instead of giving the number of verified members (which most likely would be a lot of them), instead of sharing the number of people who actually are attending a church, about 20 years ago, the AG started sharing the number of adherents.That is someone who may, possibly, might, may be thinking about, or is a close relative of someone who does attend. It's absolutely impossible to determine the number of adherents. It is total guess-work and seems to be motivated by denominational ego. Listen, by no means is the AG the only organization that pumps up the numbers with all kinds of statistical gymnastics. The sad thing about the AG, is they don't need to or have do that. They are seeing dynamic results with the actual numbers they have.Using the adherents attendance pump, means those WHO DO NOT attend the church are counted too. It makes the number BIG when in the AG case, just sharing those who have become members or actually attend the church, would in itself in many places be large.So, if my third cousin's wife's Father attends the AG, does that mean I'm counted too even though I have never been there? Listen, I'm not ragging on the AG.