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Cruz showed a lot of class in the last Repub debate

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Post subject: doyle: Cruz showed a lot of class in the last Repub debate
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
I believe Trump could help turn this country around. We desperately need his business knowledge, but it seems more and more that he may not be the nominee. If he loses, it will have been totally self-inflicted. He continues to make vicious personal attacks calling people by name who oppose him and calling them stupid and on and on.I VOTED for Trump in the primary. He's new and has some new ideas, so give him some time and see how he reacts under the pressures of the campaign spotlight. In my opinion, he's not doing well. There seems to be no growth in his presentation which is disappointing. Slash and bash may get the attention of the media but he is turning as many people against him as he is turning people on for him. It is getting more difficult to see how he can win in November. Can he draw millions of new people to his candidacy to replace those who he is turning off? I totally agree that Romney should get some shove back from his totally negative presentation about Trump, but just because someone disagrees with Trump, does not mean they are stupid.The debate dust-up between Trump and Rubio was a sad spectacle for both of them and potential voters. Rubio is destroying his good reputation and chances for another try at the Presidency, and Trump continues to be so vicious that people who would support him, are finding it more and more difficult to do so. What absolutely juvenile behavior from both Trump and Rubio!In my opinion, Ted Cruz showed a lot of class. He strongly stated his case, did not back off and strongly disagreed with others without coming off as a jerk. It will take a bigger miracle for Cruz to win than it will for Trump, but the vicious attitudes of Trump may be the miracle Cruz needs.Here is Trump's problem. At some time or another in a campaign, the candidate will need the support of his fellow Republicans. Trump's continuous vicious comments and attitudes exhibited thus far, is making it almost impossible for them to support him.Doyl

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Post subject: c6thplayer1:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Re: Cruz showed a lot of class in the last Repub debate

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Post subject: UncleJD:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Doyle,It seems to me that this is exactly what people have been saying about him the whole time and one side hates it, and the other side loves it. Its more divisive than Obama has ever been, and if it hasn't hurt him yet, I don't see it stopping him now. The last 7 years have been about division, we've been divided on lines of race, religion, party, and now we're being divided within our own party and in our own churches. I don't like it. I watched the debate last night hoping for something that I could grab hold of to help me side with so many, some hope that I could support Trump and vote for him. Instead, what I saw was:1. A candidate for President talk about his manhood2. A man that clearly believes that the President is above the law (he said as much when the moderator told him that some military leaders had pledged not to obey illegal orders such as torture, you know the ones we tried the Nazi's under and held that no one could use the excuse of just following orders)3. A man that thinks that resolution in the face of opposition is a joke and that you should be ready to compromise your principles for the sake of moving government along.

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Our ballots are still here for the Florida Primary, we still cannot settle for a name. We have 5 more days to decide before putting them in the mail. WHO? Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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