For decades, Washington, DC has wanted to do something special with the Old City Post Office. It is a national landmark but nobody could get permission to touch it because it is owned by the government.The General Service Administration, GSA, where I worked for awhile, holds the deeds to all government property. They oversee the building of Federal Courthouses and help provide office space for the 280 government offices in DC. The Department of Defense is only one of their customers.And then, along comes Donald Trump. Working with the General Services Administration, which has around 6,000 employees, he and his team have turned that old, dilapidated post office into one of the city's most acclaimed places. It is absolutely beautiful. is what Trump could do for our nation, but he is blowing his chances to have that opportunity by his vicious comments about others and his intemperate remarks. Sad. The nation needs somebody with his business experience, but without a major AND SOON turnaround in his presentation, Trump will not be the President.The news media talks about the path to the White House. There is only one person now blocking that path and it is Donald Trump.Doyl