First, TL Lowery was a servant of the Lord. Few COG ministers have had such a well-known and highly visible ministry. From tent crusades, to pastoral work at North Cleveland, to administrative work, then back to pastoral work and building a small church just out from DC into mega-church, the Lord used Rev. Lowery in so many ways. He certainly has my respect for his many accomplishments in Christian ministry.Second, I also respect Stephen Lowery. To assume the leadership of the church his father built, and for that ministry to continue to flourish, required more than a simple father/son transition. Stephen Lowery is called/gifted in his own right, and he too has my respect.Third, because of that respect, posting the link in the OP was/is in no way an attempt to be less than positive or to be negative about the passing or funeral or TL Lowery. I had the link 2 days before posting it on Acts, and weighed the pros/cons of posting it, knowing that some would cry foul or the timing isn't right, etc. The longer I mused over the issue, the more I realized that regardless of the length of time allowed to elapse before posting (whether 2 days of 20 years), because of who it is (Rev TL Lowery) there would always be some who would say it shouldn't have been posted. Fourth, based on items in 1-3, I decided to post the video. I would have done the same thing if the video had depicted Ray Hughes and his son Ray Hughes Jr, Charles Conn and his son Paul, Frank Culpepper and his son Raymond, et al. Why? Because the contextual focus of the video is not so much about Rev Lowery and his son Stephen as it is about the assertions/actions of Kenneth Copeland. This and this alone is why the video was