After last night, there are 946 delegates leftTrump is at around 650 so he needs 587 which is 62% of remaining delegatesCruz is around 430 so he needs 807 which is 85% of the remainingKasich is around 145 so he needs 1092 which is 115% of the remaining delegatesAs you can see with 3 still in the race its now virtually impossible for anyone to win (certainly impossible for Kasich who is now clearly in it for a chance at a brokered nomination).The only way Trump can win is to basically double his performance over the first half of this race.I realize that may of the remaining states are winner-take-all, and that would seem to favor Trump, but most of those are closed-primaries, meaning you have to be a Republican voter from previous elections or registered early in the year (depending on the state), and those have not been Trump's strongest states other than Florida (take Rubio out of the mix there and Cruz may have won). So while its possible, it doesn't seem likely that he will make the 1237 at this point.Cruz would need a miracle.