Aaron, I'm not sure I'm not wasting my time by looking for evidence. What would convince you? What evidence could I produce that you would not respond with, but, but, BUT?Nevertheless, here is a link. The language is reprehensible. (Too bad we have to have secular voices calling out wolves.)Basically, this shows the clip where Murdock advises those who are already in credit card debt to go further in debt and send him $1000. Of course he uses the buzzwords faith, seed, etc.--just thought-stopping words which cause people to take leave of their common sense. Do you know people who are doing poorly financially? Some through hard circumstances, some through bad decisions and poor management. Just imagine those kinds of people and the desperation they feel when they think the best thing they can do with their money is help a TV preacher pay for his private plane.If you just want to see the clip of Mike Murdock, go to the video at the bottom of the article and skip to the following marks:minutes 2:34 - 3:06 Murdock gloats over the purchase of 2 planesminutes 5:48 - 6:20 Murdock tells people who are in debt to go further into debt (of course the piano playing in the background and undulation of his voice as he repeats the phrase use your faith are quite hypnotic)mic.com/articles/123961/watch-john-oliver-s-hellfire-sermon-on-american-televangelists#.6rrzG0hAl