but just to update something for you to consider:The AG has 12,897 churches as of 2015 and 37,000 ministers. Each church is required to give an annual Fellowship offering dependent upon its avg. Sunday am worship attendance, ie if you have 250 avg you are asked to give $100 to the General Council annually. In addition, it is RECOMMENDED (not required) that a local church give 1% of its annual General Fund income to the District (like Ohio or NC) annually. In addition, each of the AG credential holders pay to the General Council an amount varying by credential. Ordained ministers are required to give $360 per year and they must give 80% of the 10% regular tithe to their local District. That's it and it funds the District offices with a Supt. Asst Supt, Treasurer, Secretary and ministries support staff as well as funding the National Headquarters with the hundreds and hundreds of people who work there although some like the Missions Dept are paid thru other revenue streams like Missions etc.If the AG, as big as it is can do it for this amount of money why can't the COG do it also without overtaxing your local churches? It does give one pause. If we had to give 10% of our General Fund to the National Office it would overwhelm most of our churches and severely limit most of their ministry opportunities.