The situation where we were robbed has raised a lot of questions for me. Before you go all call Cleveland on me, I have. I went there. I asked. I asked face to face to people who have keys to the building. And I'm not satisfied with the answers, just like a lot of COG people. If Lee University can have employees like Phillip Cooke come on here and answer questions and defend Lee's practices, Why can't someone at HQ who's in charge, designate someone to answer these questions? Here's what I want to know:How are the issues like sound, hotels, and other big ticket items negotiated for COG events like Assembly and Winterfest?Is there an accounting of money in and out for these events?Does any money cross or change accounts? For instance, does Assembly money help with Missions or does Winterfest money pay Salaries?At my job, there is a cap on what I can spend before I get my direct supervisor involved. Is there a cap on HQ employees? How sophisticated was this plan to steal? It had to be pretty intricate and complicated to pass by someone as sharp as Julian Robinson. And have those loopholes been closed?Im not trying to attack. I know we have good people in place at HQ, but good questions and good answers keep good relationships.Thanks for letting me back in the Acts club.