Im not speaking against Matthew. I think he's great but lets seriously look at whats happened:Matt was supposed to plant a church in iowa? or nebraska? and I sat in on a meeting that discussed a pool of church planting money from a lot of different sources to fund this church plant. I am in NO WAY suggesting he did anything wrong financially. But I am saying, where is the church.So then Matt goes to Mizzou. Ok. cool. Then KY. Ok. cool. What happened in KY since he's there? not a whole lot. I am in NO WAY saying he did bad stuff in Mizzou or KY I'm just saying the KY appt and now the S GA appt appears to be a bit easy to get to. Never really pastored. Never really youth pastored. About 1 year church work. Again, Im not saying he's a person of low integrity. I think the opposite. From the few conversations we've had I think he's great. I am saying, if his name was Matthew Jones or Matthew Smith he'd probably be working 2 jobs in Iowa trying to plant a church.