Are you saying I will get a better copy to run through a computer versus my VCR to DVD recorder? It is a nice recorder in the $300 range. (The brand name is leaving me). But, they are in one unit. VCR on one side and DVD recorder on the other side. What computer software do you recommend. The only editing I plan on doing is to cut and paste and burn. For example, I may have 20 minutes of my kids playing. For brevity, I may cut that 20 minutes to 3 minutes and combine with other snippets for a particular dvd or from another Dvd into more of a compilation. I doubt I will try to mess around with color or lighting enhancements (if that is doable in a video format). I doubt I will insert transistions, but I may try to put in different tracks (I'm not sure what it is called where I can click on one short movie versus another). Maybe those are called menus? Anyway, I won't be doing sophisticated editing. I don't have the time.