As you might have surmised, the nice young man is my son. As far as I know, he is not engaging in debates, just asking questions. The Oneness adherents have invited him to lunch a few times and have had long discussions with him. They attend our church and love the fellowship. They weren't sure at first whether our church was Trinitarian, but when they asked in Sunday school, I and another person answered simultaneously that we are. After Sunday school, I mentioned that I didn't think our pastor would be open to beliefs other than Trinitarianism, and the woman assured me that it wasn't like she would be trying to teach that in our church.After one Sunday lunch my son had with them, I asked him what they talked about. He said, The Trinity. (for an hour)I said, What?! Are they trying to proselytize you?He grinned and said that she had told him, You better not tell your mom or she will think we are trying to proselytize you.So, yeah, I do wonder why they can't just live and let live, but in fairness, my son said he was asking questions.My son is an easy going, fairly level headed kid. If he has a viewpoint, he will make his point and move on. I've not noticed him trying to persuade someone who doesn't want to change his or her mind. And I can't see him arguing about the nature of the Trinity.