I love that phrase, 'In hope against hope he believed.' That is an example to follow with all of God's promises. The previous sentence that describes my God is equally impactful, '... in the presence of Him whom he believed, even God, who gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist.'Wow, that is NOT a GOD to minimize or believe less than the best about. Nor is it a GOD that I will speak ill of and say 'He is so arbitrary and random, I will NOT believe in faith for something I see in His Word. Rather, I will NEVER just sing Que sera sera, whatever will be will be.' That is a slap in the face of His love and covenant care of me.I do not get why we tell people to believe for salvation, strength, baptism in the Holy Ghost and such and then tell them NOT to believe for, but just ask for healing, and then when it does not come, to shrug our shoulders like it is GOD's will NOT to heal. Weird. It's all a question of timing. When does all of God's promises become complete to the human?New bodies, healing, no more death, Satan is defeated, etc...Example: If only Jesus had been there before Lazarus died...a perspective that did not understand God's timing. Show me the guy with the faith for everything he calls into existence occurs today?Branham, Oral Roberts, Copeland, Brad, Phil? If none of them have that faith - NONE OF THEM - we can choose to believe Jesus heaps guilt on EVERY single believer for lack of faith - where he tells them to have it - yet none of them can attain it - or we simply don't understand his timing