I'm not sure the Lord wants either one, He is permitting us to have what we have wanted and earned. Christians have abdicated their responsibility to government to care for the widows, orphans and sick. The widows, orphans and sick have allowed themselves to vote for people that are in opposition to their basic moral principals. Both are wrong. We got what we (collectively) deserve. Indeed, God said to care for the widows and orphans, He did NOT say to let government do it for us. Now, we have an anti Christian government (not simply neutral) and we wonder why our values have eroded? Barring a move from God, America will fall, whether that fall is a complete bloody revolution with a new government model, or to purposely elect people whose moral values are anti-God that will ultimately outlaw Chrisitians and Jews and another Holocaust will ensue. Perhaps that is God's will to expedite His return. I don't know.