Every political season it is the same. I have only attended one church a few years ago (Baptist) where the pastor took the entire 'worship' time promoting one candidate.Unlike many, I know Christians who are in both major political parties. They have their reasons. But I commented to my wife, reckon the opposition party members will be back next Sunday? As a kid my dad only pastored one 'political' church, VAldese NC. Honestly three months before an election they all wore their 'Clean House with Ike and Dick' or 'Adlai Stevenson is The Man' Buttons every Sunday. They sat on opposite sides of the church, they were happy to discuss their politics, I cannot remember a time they weren't 'STILL FAMILY & FRIENDS'.Pastors have both parties in their church, the pastor is shepherd of all, even if you consider some wayward sheep.I remember Dad's introduction of himself. He said, YOu don't have to ask me my political persuasion, I am what you are, Christian.Some tight ropes are hard to walk.... Some facts but mostly just my
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