I was in graduate school for many years. Now, praise God! I'm out, and I have my first regular full time 'gig' at a university. But one of my problems back then was I wanted to use my gift of teaching and be faithful with it. I remember as an MBA student, getting up really early to go to class and reading until 1 AM. I didn't really have time to go to all the church meetings. I went Sunday. I wasn't in a position to volunteer to lead a small group or be responsible for anything like that. But I did want to use my gifts and minister.I was the treasurer of a very small Christian club on campus where we could meet and exhort one another for an hour a week. I could do that because it was right there where I was at and I didn't have to travel to it.Occasionally, I would have an hour or two where I could do something. So I made YouTube videos. I'm not sure how many hits i have. I think I may have 5 or 10k or more on some videos. I never took commercial revenue because I saw a really dirty Axe commercial right before a serious sermon once, and it turned me off to ads. But I have gotten some hits and made an impact. I think maybe two young people have either come to the Lord or gotten involved with church through the videos that have contacted me. My videos aren't all evangelistic, though.As a PhD student, I did a community television TV show, and so did my wife. She also had a radio show. We met this guy at church who put people on TV to preach. We had a bunch of people from church doing shows after a while. I did a Bible teaching type show, some with a bit of evangelism thrown in. That's what I did for ministry when I just wasn't able to do the regular schedule ministry stuff, though I did lead a men's small group for maybe a year....I'm not sure how long...during my PhD studies. I did teach some Tuesday night Bible studies and some Sunday school there toward the end. It was good to finally get to do some Sunday morning pulpit ministry before I left Hawaii, too.Now, I'm back in Asia and I'm supposed to preach one day this month. It's two days after a red-eye back from California, a 25+ hour flight, I think. And then I'm hoping to go to the next day to a house church conference before speaking Sunday at a church affiliated with the COG denomination. (Please pray I'll be awake and that God will use me.)Anyway, the point of all this is to be creative and keep your eyes open for opportunities to minister. Also, pray for chances to minister. There are the obvious things like pulpits, Sunday school, and cell groups. But like one poster mentioned, there's prison ministry. You can minister online. You can start something new. If you don't fit into the church programs, maybe you can make something new to use your gifts to minister. We are stewards of spiritual gifts and we need to be faithful