What are your top 5 issues, in order of importance, when deciding whether to vote Hillary or Donald?Mine:1. Character - honesty, sincere service (I won't vote for a bully...period)2. Social issues - equality for all races and religions 3. Economic issues - lower taxes and healthcare costs, improved education and healthcare4. Domestic affairs - less crime, less tension, sensible immigration reform5. Foreign affairs - better relations with our allies, combating terrorI've never liked a bully. Never. I won't support one. I won't vote for one.I prefer tear down that wall (Reagan) to build that wall as a philosophy.I'll be sorting out the candidates on these issues over the next couple of months to make my decision I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: bradcfreeman.tumblr.com/