Trump has zero chance of being elected. I've tried and tried to explain it to people, but they don't get it. The electoral college strongly favors the Democratic Party. Trump wont get 200 electoral votes You are right.Probably no more republicans elected until country gets in worse shape.Freebies for all without work is enticing.At some point - debt will end country.I would have thought 20 trillion - but perhaps the number is 40 trillion.Who knows.But it is coming.The problem is - it was coming with the republicans we have in office anyway - as they did nothing to stop it in the last 16 years.That's why we have Trump. Regular Republicans time has past - the Ryans/Bushes of the world just haven't figured it out yet. A new party will form after this election.Tea Party.Cruz.Somebody that will DEMAND the budget get balanced - and will raise taxes or revenue to do it - but not add any spending until it is fixed.No need to vote for the current Republicans - they believe in big debt too - just spend money differently.A balanced budget amendment should have gotten passed. That way tough decisions would have been made years ago - instead of making believe we could spend indiscriminately forever. Less wars when they must be paid for. Less immigrants if they must be paid for. Less waste if it must be paid for. Debt has finished many a person - it will also finish U.S. Lord, hasten the day! Then the States that are worthy can form yet another more perfect Union. In no time they will be back on top economically while their former associate States will wither away and be absorbed by Canada. In spite of the error of slavery (which did not belong to them exclusively) our Southern forebears at least understood the danger of allowing the Federal Government to start snatching more and more tax money to be redistributed to States, cities and businesses for internal improvements that the Constitution does not authorize. By the time the WBTS broke out, the north was depending on these Federal handouts for its economic survival. Thus they were not going to let their cash cow secede from the Union and form a new confederation that would suck capitol and world commerce away from them. But in the end, this system will be the undoing of the USA. But it will also free the States to finally throw of the yoke that has bound them for 150 years. There will be tough times, but what rises from the ashes could be extraordinary