Yesterday Sunday August 7, 2016 marked a day that will go down in the history of our Congregation.SPWC Inc. licensed and ordained our first at large Elder.Bro Tyler Chastain is the pastor of Revival Worship Center located in Demopolis, AL.Bro Chastain was examined by the board of directors and confirmed by the Conference of Stewards. One lady came forward to be saved at the end of the morning ordination service.Another lady was restored during a baby dedication prior to the ordination service. The reading of the scriptures convicted her.Bro Chastain preached the evening service and the husband of the lady who was saved in the AM came forward for salvation .I am the world's worst to plead and beg for lost folks to receive Christ during the Altar service. Beloved, we don't have to.Having said that in the last couple of weeks we have prayed with folks who came forward seeking salvation with no invitation given .Anyone in the Demopolis, AL area seeking a Pentecostal church would do well to visit the RWC.WOW! What a day! Charles A. HutchinsSenior Pastor SPWCCongregational Church of