How would I know that he knew? Robert tilton Knows , he said so on his broadcast. LOL The Shadow knows.....Seriously, I think it is the same with the Overseers as the local pastor. I know pastors who never call or visit, even if they are asked.isn't the sign of the times, The pastor is too busy to check on the flock and the overseer is too busy to check on those in his care? WE are all too 'xtxrv' busy to take time to care.That is not the case all the time obviously because many on this forum knows the sheep who are hurting and need a word from the MAN! Our preacher calls everyone on Sat. morning, every sat morning. He has one of those new fangled thangs where he can call everyone at once. Believe it or not, I like that one call gets all, just today the wife answered saying to me, 'it's the pastor', he was telling everyone that one of our oldest member's son had passed. He can get the word out without a telephone chain. BUT it doesn't take the place of the call that says, If this isn't a bad time I just wanted to talk to you a minute! Most members would think they had won the lottery! It is the same with Bro. JJ whoset, pastoring 23 people. A call from the Overseer, Just to ask how it is going, WOW! Some facts but mostly just my
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