I work out about four days a week at a gym a mile or so from the hospital where I serve as a Chaplain. That's not meant to brag because by the time you reach 60, all the workouts don't build much muscle, BUT they do at least slow down the gradual loss of muscle that sets in as we grow older and it improves your overall health and strength. The only people who are not growing older, are those who have departed from us.One of the young women working behind the counter, is a kind, gracious person. We have had numbers of friendly chats at the protein drink counter. I basically like almost any protein drink that includes peanut butter which kind of defeats the point of the protein shake . I had no idea she was married to another woman until Friday of last week, when she asked to speak with me. With tears in her eyes, she said her marriage to a woman, her husband, was falling apart. Would I be willing to try and help them save their marriage?I said, I have another appointment that I have to get to, but I will get back to you. She gave me her contact info and I am going to keep my promise to get back to her.After thinking about it, here are some of my thoughts about the situation. I WELCOME your input and wise counsel; agree or disagree. Your counsel will be received with appreciation and respect. FIRST, I am glad she has asked me to help. It brings her in contact with someone who cares about her. It brings her in contact with someone who has the love of Christ in their heart. It shows that she has gained confidence in me. SECOND, this is not a case of someone who has a rebellious atttude and wants to find a way to keep doing it. These precious young girls, in their early 20's, have no concept of our dedication to Scripture and the strong stand it takes. THIRD, their problem is not because of sinful living. All of us, especially me it seems, have at times struggled with sin - still do sometimes. Apostle Paul felt like that when he expressed WHEN THE BAD GUYS GET TOGETHER THEY CALL ME BOSS. He referred to himself as the Chief among sinners. So, this sinner (me), saved-by-Grace, has no right to point a condemning finger at anyone or look down on anyone.I was drowning in sin and Jesus rescued me. Now, I am commissioned to give a lifting hand to all around me who will let me. For reasons I am yet to learn, the Lord Jesus has put me where someone who is hurting, can reach out to me. The problem this young couple has, is exactly as mine was. I was not lost because of wrong stuff I was doing. I was lost in sin because of not knowing Christ, accepting Him into my life. After I accepted Christ, He began to lead me in different paths of behavior. I am never surprised that people who do not know the Lord, get involved in all kinds of things not taught in Scripture.FOURTH, my role as a Chaplain, is often an open door to those who are not involved in church at all. In fact, many of the people I am able to minister to, have never been in church-EVER. Which blows me away because I have been attending church since before I was born. Mom was the pastor's wife.FIVE: I so much want to be a blessing to these young women. God has not brought me into contact with them to leap out with condemnations. I remember Matthew 16:17and the Whom do you say that I am, question Jesus put to Apostle Peter. When Peter replied that Jesus was the Christ, the Lord replied, Flesh and blood have not reveiled this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.This is a situation where I must not flesh and blood it. I must be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirt. He will make every effort to reach out to them too. I do not believe He would back away from them so I am not either. However, I seek the Lord's wisdom in broaching the subject of right and wrong according to Scripture.SIX: I do care about these young women and will attempt to be a caring Chaplain to them, but your prayers and wise counsel are most
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