I think if you take a look you will find many denominations (including Pentecostals) are engaged in partnerships in areas of education, church planting and disaster relief/humanitarian efforts. I know there is greater cooperation in regards to ordination/credentials in of ministers moving from one denomination to another, with an eye towards supporting those who have a honestest-heart in making a move and those who are running from problems. I don't see a structural merger coming, but there are many efforts ongoing for relational unity/fellowship. The work of the PCCNA and the join Prayer Conferences of various Pentecostal denominations are great examples.On a weekly basis I attend a prayer meeting of Spirit-filled pastor in my community. This includes several Anglican, Lutheran, Independent, Calvary Chapel, COG, AME, COGOP, and even some we would define as Spriit-filled Baptist. As a group we have led our churches in joint Thanksgiving services, Book Bag/school items outreach to at risk schools, March For Life Events at the local abortion clinic and various prayer events, such as the statewide Response event with the governor. The day after the shooting at Mother Emanuel AME, our group members were on the ground downtown leading street services and prayer responses (my church is in Charleston, SC).Brad, I'm sure that across the country and around the world there is so much mutual cooperation and joint effort activity going on among the Pentecostal denomination it would be impossible to list/report them all. Just because it does not make headline news does not mean its not having an impact for the Kingdom. I personally have been doubly blessed by my involvement with other denominations, including participating in the Convoy of Hope (AG) or attending the COG General Assembly. Just so you know.