Back in the old days, preachers in the COG and a lot of other Pentecostal denominations used to preach you get saved, sanctified, then filled with the Holy Ghost. The idea is that believers get sanctified all at once at one point after salvation. Depending on the understanding of 'sanctified' it can mean you reach a state of maturity where you generally don't sin, or it could mean you get to a point where you never sin again.I've got a question for those who believe in sanctification as a one-time experiential event after salvation.Well, what if someone gets sanctified and sins, like something big, adultery, lr they kill somone. Or they just won't forgive someone else. What does that mean? Do they lose their sanctification? Is it a case of once sanctified, always sanctified? And if someone sins, that means he wasn't truly sanctified to begin with, and he needs to get sanctified? If they lose their sanctification, can they get sanctified again