I have baptized one infant/toddler and I did so because:The child was born with multiple health issues that were going to and did lead to the child not living very long (less than four years).I believe Baptism to be a command of the Lord but symbolic in nature. The symbolism was most important to the grieving young mother and grandmother. I believe the child to be still without the age/understanding of accountability.I consulted church history, including our own, as well as conversations with both COG pastors as well as friends pastoring in the Episcopal and Lutheran churches.My resolution was to have the mom and the hospice nurses to hold the child while I gently washed his face using a cloth and basinet.Much like a baby dedication, it meant a lot to his family. Something they cherished when it came time for his funeral. I view it as an act of compassion. Jesus will decide if he was truly saved or not Proverbs 3:5-6; John 13:34-35; Acts 1:8