Can anyone recall there ever being any other poster who, single-handedly, worked so hard to call into question the things that so many Pentecostals hold dear?Healings? Well, maybe SOME of them are real...but most of the time God chooses not to heal.Faith? You can't really take the Word at face value about have to remember that what it really means is that is you REALLY have faith...God MIGHT do it. But probably not.If a person is on TV, why, they can't possibly be the real thing. After all, they made a mistake here, there, and, oh, over there. Nevermind that God used them--we can't accept anything about them, since they had some incorrect actions or doctrine.God's Generals? HA! It's clear that all or most of them were fakes...because they clearly had issues.Copeland said something to Stephen Lowery that, so far as OTCP can tell, didn't come true. Does he call Stephen Lowery? Nope. Does he call Copeland? Nope, he just slyly asks questions (reminds me of another feller...way back in the first of Genesis) that cast doubt and despite on someone whom God has certainly used. Oh, and upon T.L. Lowery himself for having the audacity, I suppose, to even be a friend of Copeland.OTCP, there are plenty of things that are wrong in the Church. We know that. But I have never seen anyone but the devil seem as intent as you on continuing to throw it in the faces of believers. It's not enough to say, Well, they are on a journey...and God will get them there because they love the Lord.Oh, no! We can't have that. We have to assume WE are the ones that are dead right...and they dead wrong.