Absolutely correct. The electoral college may have made more sense when the population was a little more evenly distributed (if that were the case, I don't know). But, today, the Dems have an automatic lockup of NY and CA before day 1 of the election. That alone gets them almost half way to the office. Interesting, what would happen if they tied 270 each? Would the Republican House actually select Hillary? It wouldn't surprise me. It is awful. I really don't want Trump for a multitude of reasons, but Hillary absolutely controlling the Supreme Court for the next 30 to 40 years is possibly even scarier. Right now, it doesn't even bother me much that Hillary is a crook. The Court is what I most worry about. Second is no restrictions on immigration and 3rd is destroying the economy in the short run (and long run with unsurmountable debt). But, the court, goodness, that is where it is at! The court will overturn free speech, freedom of worship. Christianity will be deemed hate speech. Folks this is serious. The Republicans are currently incapable of governing. So what do we do. God is our only hope!