Thomas messed you up, didn't he? A common eschatological view - 1,000 years is 1,000 yearsWhen Christ reigns for 1,000 years is it a literal 1,000 years or figurative (like the cattle on a 1,000 hills or a day being 1,000 years with the Lord)? Doesn't it seem unwise in a book (Revelation) where a Lamb is not a lamb, a candlestick is a church and so much is figurative, to limit the reign of Christ to 1,000 years?Doesn't it seem wiser to interpret reigning 1,000 years the way you do 1,000 hills of cattle or a day being 1,000 years (He owns them all, He exists beyond the boundaries of time, and of the increase of His kingdom and government there shall be no end) I'm not saved because I'm good. I'm saved because He's good!My website: www.bradfreeman.comMy blog: