I was told it was unpatriotic and unChristian to vote, and also encouraged to vote my conscience, and because I liked neither Clinton or Trump, and since I knew nothing about the other two running, I cast my ballot for both Clinton and Trump.Funny thing, though. The scanner spit it back out and said I had marked the ballot for two and I had two options:1. Take it out and correct it.2. Scan it as marked.The pollster assumed I would want to redo the ballot, hit option number 1 and proceeded to take the ballot out.I told him, no, to run it through the scanner as marked, so he ran it through again, with a questioning look on his face, and when it came back with the two options again, he pressed 2 for me. He did.I then went by the voting table and got my I voted sticker, took it to the truck and stuck it on my breath mint box God-HonoringChrist-CenteredBible-BasedSpirit-Led