The first paragraph is not original from me. It came in my email. The thouight was so excellent - the comparison so vivid, that i couldn't resist adding several more paragraphs. I welcome viewers to add their thoughts.In the 1940's, to defeat Nazism, American 18-year-olds faced enemy fire and possible death as they attacked the beaches of Normandy. In 2016, 18-year-olds have been desperately seeking safe zones to hide from hearing words with which they may not agree.In the 1940's, 18-year-olds rushed to sign up for military duty, ready to take up arms to fight the enemy. In 2016, 18-year-olds are rushing weeping into the arms of professors begging to hide from news that their favorite person did not win an election.In the 1940's, 18-year-olds ate C-rations for weeks at a time to have the strength to dig foxholes and fight the enemy. In 2016, 18-year-olds are given comfort foods and hot chocolate to calm their little nerves.However, even now, there are some 18-year-olds who have asked to serve in our military. Our military is now slightly less than one percent of the entire population, but our safety for the future as a people and as a nation, depends on that one percent.Doyl