It's you're (and hilarious).You made an offer with a burner number in hopes to find out aprilmay's identity? That is hilarious. I'm glad aprilmay has enough forum smarts to handle a situation like that.Hey, aprilmay, I read an article about a couple that had a gender reveal party and opened up the box of balloons only to find out some clerk with a twisted sense of humor (or a lot of ineptitude--I'm not sure which) had stuffed the box with balloons in all colors of the rainbow.I really don't get the gender reveal stuff. I guess I'm just not on the cutting edge of the social trends. To the main question, though, no, don't reveal a phone number; I'm against any sort of doxing.But I think sometimes speaking in hypotheticals accomplishes the desired result without violating the Acts terms of use. (Just don't come on here with an acrostic spelling out the perp's name.