My opinion is that it is good form to be gracious about a gift no matter how small. A gift is not a payment, requirement, or obligation. If the music minister is unpaid or paid little, I wouldn't expect him or her to take $250 to $500 out of his or her own pocket for gifts. If money for the gifts comes out of the church budget, the church should decide how much they want to budget for gifts. Appropriate is going to mean different things to different people, but if the other praise team members don't appreciate their gifts either, I hope the music minister just uses the $50 next year to take his or her significant other out for a nice dinner.Hey, I'll sing for peanuts (M&M's)!That said, our church does give gifts in the $25 to $50 range, but I'm trying to think back to other churches I've been to. I don't recall the churches I grew up in giving volunteers gifts (and maybe they did and I just didn't know about it). Of course, that was back in the dark ages when the congregation all sang songs out of the songbook. No weeknight practices were required because we all knew the songs. I daresay the song leader and piano player would not have expected a gift for what they did, and they probably considered it an honor to do what they did.