I was visiting a member of my church in an assisted living facility who had just moved in yesterday. Her daughter and son-in-law along with the administrator of the facility was in her room, but she wasn't. We do ministry at this facility and the administrator was very friendly as always to me. She excused herself from the room and then the daughter asked me who I was. I told her I was her mom's Pastor and was there to see if she had gotten settle in okay. Her next words about floored me, she said, YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE A PASTOR! I asked her what was a Pastor supposed to look like, but she ignored my question and proceeded asking me several other questions. I was waiting for her to pull out a waterboard, because I felt like I was being interrogated. I had met this lady last year at another hospital, because her mother was having surgery and I was there till her mother was in the recovery room after her surgery.I didn't have my three piece suit on and wasn't carrying my family Bible, but I wasn't dressed like a bum either. I had on dark jeans without holes or faded spots, a nice dark sweatshirt with a white dress shirt on underneath and clean black tennis shoes. I took her questioning me for not looking like a Pastor in her opinion, because of my attire, so I proceeded telling her that clothes doesn't always make the man.When I got home, I told my wife what had happen, so I am now in the market for a flowing black robe and a white collar to wear backwards, because I guess that is what Pastors are supposed to wear, so people will know they are a Pastor.