Is he paid?? One really easy way to make sure your youth pastor is there on Sunday nights is to get a new youth pastor that WILL attend on Sunday nights. If he is paid, then that conversation can go differently - it becomes an employer/employee conversation. With our staff, I don't want them behaving as operators any longer than necessary - I want them working as directors & pastors. If the staff does all the work, then you're limited to the amount of work that a church staff can do - which is usually one or zero FT employees. One of the biggest mandates of a pastor is to equip the church for the work. If we never hand stuff off, then we're not being successful at equipping people. If we only give tasks and never give authority, then we'll only get tasks in return - not heart or buy-in. Eventually those people you've assigned tasks without authority will get frustrated and quit doing the tasks. I'd MUCH rather work on people than tasks. One of my favorite values of LPC is that we value excellence slightly less than multiplication. If a volunteer can do a job 80% as well as I can, then I give it to them.