We had a little drama in Sunday school yesterday. It can be interesting when a particular person is there, who, to put it delicately, operates on a different plane of reality than the rest of us. I'll call him Jim (not his real name) to protect his identity.During the discussion, people were weighing in on how some people prosper in this life despite not living in God's will. One commenter was explaining that the devil rules the world because man turned over the title deed by his disobedience in the garden. He noted that the devil is called the god of this world (alluding to 2 Corinthians 4:4). At about that point, our dear friend Jim jumped up from his seat exclaiming that Jesus had prayed to God, Lord of heaven and earth (alluding to Matthew 11:25) and did we mean to tell him that we didn't have dominion over the devil and that I'm not going to sit here listening to these lies. Then he left the room.Now, my question is